Showing 421–432 of 529 results
Wolverine Taxidermy skin/fur for sale. P-115W
* Great colored Wolverine pelt
* Overall length of 46 inches
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African Cape Buffalo Shoulder mount for sale. X-118CB
* Great African Cape Buffalo
* Horn width of over 39″ (inches)
* Excellent workmanship and mount
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African Impala Shoulder Mount for Sale. X-116I
* Great pose and workmanship
* Excellent color and size
* 21″ D x 16″ W x 36″ H
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African Waterbuck Shoulder Mount X-114W
* Excellent color and pose!
* Raw gross score of 68 5/8″
* Premier mount
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Alaska Black Bear Taxidermy Rug For Sale. B-114B
* Nice Alaskan Black Bear
* 66″ Nose to tail length
* Good hair thickness & colorFree Shipping! -
Alaskan Black Bear Taxidermy Rug for sale. B-117R
* Great colored Alaskan bear
* Overall size of 66″ long x 60″ wide
* Excellent hair length and thickness
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Badger Life Size Mount on Base P-108B
* Great mount on landscaped base
* Super coloring and hair qualityFree Shipping! -
Barren Ground Caribou Shoulder Mount O-114C
* Great Barren Ground Caribou
* 46+” Beams
* Overall: 38″ D x 39″ W x 58″ H
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Desert Big Horn Ewe Shoulder Mount O-116S
* Great Desert Big Horn ewe mount
* Excellent Grade
* Mount size: 22″ x 23″ x 14″
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Bighorn Ram Shoulder Mount O-118S
* Great pose, head up, facing left
* Horns: 32 3/8″ long, bases 14 3/8″
* Net score of 143 2/8″ (Boone & Crockett)Free Shipping! -
Black Bear Claws (Full Set on cable) B-116C
* Full set of 20 claws
* Threaded on cable with metal beadsFree Shipping! -
Black Bear Shoulder Mount BB-102
- Closed mouth- Looking right mount
- Dimensions: 22″D x 14″W x 18″H
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