Our prices include our shipping charges built in to the price of the item (except where specifically noted!). Shipping may utilize UPS, FedEx or USPS for smaller mounts and items. Larger/heavier shipments may require freight shipping companies. We endeavor to get items shipped within 7-10 business days in almost all cases. Certain special cases may require additional time which we will address immediately upon purchase of the item(s). This may include the following reasons: large order size (multiple items), international shipping or other factors that can arise.
Please note that we can NOT ship certain items to all states. This is mainly involving the sale and shipment of products from bears. Other listings may also have limitations and we try to make that clear in the item description in each case as applicable. We are not legal experts and do not know all state and local laws concerning shipment, but endeavor to be knowledgeable and compliant with all laws that apply.
Please note: Most items include shipping insurance. Upon receipt of the item, please inspect packaging for any sign of damage before signing for receipt. If you suspect damage may have occurred, open your item(s) immediately before signing for it. Verify that all is in acceptable condition. Once you sign for the package, the shipping company is no longer responsible for any damages incurred.
Since our prices reflect shipping charges (in most cases), we offer discounts to those wishing to purchase their items and pick them up in person from our warehouse location. You will need to make arrangements prior to the time of completing your purchase to discuss this discount. Amounts will vary with the size and weight of the mount/item(s) being purchased.