Here is a great looking whitetail buck! He still carries part of the velvet that has been shredded and is coming off the rack. A great heads up, facing right mount. A very nice rack that measures 16 1/2″ at the widest point. This buck has a nice a 4 x 5 (9 point Eastern count) rack. He has nice heavy beams with good long brow tines. A great pose with the uniqueness of having the ragged velvet still clinging to his rack make this a great addition to any collection or as a stand alone piece for the office or home. A nice addition to the collection of popular big game species of North America.
He still carries part of the velvet that has been shredded and is coming off the rack. This is unusual as most bucks have shed their velvet well before hunting season arrives. They rub or scrape their antlers against smaller diameter brush and trees to remove the velvet layer from their racks. Having a portion of the velvet hanging on this mount makes for a great conversation topic and a reminder of the rack condition in earlier fall or late summer.
Overall mount dimensions are 24″ deep (wall to nose) x 20″ wide x 35″ high.