Taxidermy Mounts

Southern Eland Trophy Taxidermy Mount for sale. X-143EL

Original price was: $4,495.00.Current price is: $3,950.00.

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World Class

* SCI Gold Medal Class

* Jonas Brothers Taxidermy work

* “World Class” Plus!

* Former Top 10 in the world



This Eland scored in the SCI at #9 for largest ever taken at the time he was scored(1983). A beautiful mount by Jonas Brothers Taxidermy with incredible details in this taxidermy piece! Given the size and quality of this mount, he scores the highest grade of “World Class”. He exhibits the highest degree of workmanship with excellent lines in the dewlap (flap of skin on the chest) and neck.

Here we have a Southern ( or Common) Eland which is a native to the Southern and Eastern parts of Africa. This beautiful bull was taken in East Africa. A great species to display with their tremendous size and unique horns which are generally straight but have a twist pattern as well. (See attached photos) The horns form a large “V” from the head and are found on males and females alike.

Mount measurements are 63″ high x 31″ wide x 34″ deep. He hangs from a single, well-secured anchor screw. Given his large size, allow for ample space to be viewed from many angles… He is posed head up and looking to his right into the room.

Massive horns are this bulls crowning feature! They measure 37 5/8″ and 38 1/8″ (inches) with bases at 11 2/8″ and 11 3/8″. Incredible sized horns with a great deal of mass to go with their superior lengths pace this terrific mount. He will make a great addition to any African or exotics collection or as a feature piece. Display this trophy in the home, lodge or business, knowing that you have one of the premier examples of this species in the whole world.

Eland are the largest species of antelope and are also the slowest. Despite their size, they have great agility! From a standing position, they can leap over a 7 foot obstacle with their incredible leg strength. Eland are found in large sections of Africa and there are several species in different regions. For more information you might enjoy this article: located on the SCI website.