Taxidermy Mounts

Boone & Crockett Bighorn ram taxidermy mount. S-133BH


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World Class

* Boone & Crockett Trophy Ram

* Gross B & C Score of 181 4/8″

* “Premier” Quality taxidermy mount



This is a Big Horn ram that exceeds the minimum to achieve the Boone & Crockett “All-Time” class! Great looking mount featuring a head up with a slight left turn looking into the room. Nice even coloring on the cape with a good thick hair. Sheep make a beautiful additions to any big game species collection.

This sheep came from the Snake River area of southern Idaho. The ram died of natural causes and was checked with the Fish & Game who plugged the back of the horn and returned it to the finder. He had it mounted that year (1982) and it is still in pristine condition. Also he took it in to the Boone & Crockett Club who scored the horns. Gross score for this ram is 181 4/8 with a final score of 180 3/8. (See attached photo of official score). Horns each measure over 40″ (inches) in length with bases of 14 4/8″ and 14 6/8″.

Buy this bighorn taxidermy ram to add to your collection or use as a stand alone item for the lodge, cabin, home or business. Sheep are stately animals and especially the rams that carry horns measuring in the trophy class.

Overall mount dimensions are 36″ high x 24″ wide x 22″ deep. This taxidermy item hangs on single, well-secured fastener with a hanging bracket that is attached.