Taxidermy Mounts

Bighorn Ram Taxidermy for sale. S-134BH

Original price was: $3,380.00.Current price is: $2,950.00.

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* Nice turned head pose

* Raw score of 169 0/8″



This is a great sized Bighorn ram! Rought score of 169 0/8″ which would qualify for the SCI Silver Medal class. Pose is head up with a turn looking to his left into the room. This ram was taken from Western Montana. There is a minor flaw on the left side near the nose (see attached photos) that needs a small correction, otherwise, this is a great looking piece.

Great horns on this Bighorn with lengths of 32 4/8″ and 34 2/8″ (L & R) along with bases of 16 3/8″ and 16 2/8″ (Left & Right). Mount hangs on a single, well-secured fastener. Buy this taxidermy item for display in the lodge, cabin, home or business. Sheep mounts make great display pieces to accompany collections of North American big game or to use as stand alone, feature presentation items.