Here we have a great mount of a South African waterbok (or more commonly the waterbuck). This is a gorgeous mount of a medal class buck with great horn size and an excellent work. This male has excellent horn lengths at 25 5/8″ and 26 1/8″ with circumferences of 8 2/8″ and 8 5/8″. This gives a gross score of 68 5/8″ which would qualify for a SCI (Safari Club International) medal class.
Horn width is 21 0/8″ at the widest outside measurement and has a spread of 19 3/8″ at the tips. Overall mount dimensions are 28″ deep (wall to nose) x 24″ wide x 56″ high. This guy is tall as he is posed head up and he faces to his left looking into the room. His combination of horn size, pose and workmanship by a skilled taxidermist have earned this mount a score of “Premier”. He will make a great addition to any collection of exotic/African game or as a stand alone item.