Showing 1–12 of 291 results
Addax Shoulder Taxidermy mount for sale. X-140AD
* Great coloring!
* Horns over 24″ in length
* Very hard to find species!
$2,475.00Free Shipping! -
African Blesbok Shoulder mount for sale. X-135BL
* Trophy class horns (SCI)
* Great markings/color
* Overall measures 21″ D x 33″H x 16″W
$840.00Free Shipping! -
African Blesbok Taxidermy Mount for Sale. X-131BB
* Great coloring/hair quality
* Horns over 13″ in length
* Overall dimensions: 20″D x 35″H x 14″W
$790.00Free Shipping! -
African Bushbuck Life Size Mount for sale. X-121BU
* Great life sized mount
* Life like base and pose
* Silver medal class horns (SCI)
* Over 12″ horns
$1,970.00Free Shipping! -
African Grey Duiker Shoulder Mount for Sale. X-127DU
* Good horn size
* Great color & pose
* Overall: 13″D x 16″H x 10″W
$475.00Free Shipping! -
African Impala Taxidermy mount for sale. X-132IM
* SCI trophy class horns
* Excellent quality mount
* Head up, looking into the room pose
$920.00Free Shipping! -
African Puku Taxidermy for sale. X-132PU
* Hard to find species!
* SCI Trophy class horns
* Jonas Brothers of Seattle
$1,385.00Free Shipping! -
African Puku Taxidermy Mount for sale. X-133PU
* Harder to find species
* Great African mount
* Overall SCI score of 44 3/8″
$1,175.00Free Shipping! -
African Roan taxidermy trophy for sale. X-163RO
* SCI Awards class bull
* Horns measure 70 5/8″
* Life like expression and look
$1,960.00Free Shipping! -
African Sable Shoulder Mount for sale. X-125SA
* Great hard to get species
* 40″ horns with 8 1/2″ bases
* Beautiful African species
$2,830.00Free Shipping! -
African Western Hartebeest Taxidermy for sale. X-130HB
* Overall size of 37″ h x 18″ w x 30″ d
* Horns that measure over 20″ each
* Excellent quality taxidermy
$980.00Free Shipping! -
Alaska Caribou Taxidermy for sale. O-115C
* Beautiful mount with full velvet
* Premier quality mount
* Alaskan Barren Ground Caribou
$1,950.00Free Shipping!