Taxidermy Mounts

Sockeye Salmon Life sized mount for sale. F-114SS


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* Estimated “Live” weight of 8 pounds

* 27″ total fish length

* Overall size 25″ x 11″ x 7″



This is a beautiful Sockeye Salmon taxidermy item! Great color on a swimming pose with fish moving towards the viewers right against the wall. Slight curve to the body (see attached photos). Nice open mouth look on this 27″ (inch) salmon. It has a girth of 18 1/4″. We estimate the live weight would have been about 8 pounds on this size salmon.

Overall mount dimensions are 25″ long x 11″ high x 7″ deep. Taxidermy piece hangs on a single nail or screw. Buy this taxidermy to add to a collection of North American game fish species or as a stand-alone piece for the cabin, lodge, office or home.